Good design aims to create an effortless, ease of experience that enables every person to engage in the world in the fullest way.
Research investigations place emphasis on fostering agency and self-reliance in human centered design-build projects that address critical global issues and advance the right of every person to live in a socially, economically, and environmentally just community. Studies analyze human interaction with the built environment and how ephemeral moments and functional requirements intersect with these exchanges to shape experiential moments that inspire a sense of positive place and personal wellbeing.
The holistic, inclusive approach to experiential field and studio-based research promotes the discovery of innovative, socially relevant designs with potential as scalable, micro-enterprise business solutions. Grounded in the principles of universal design, human factors explorations advance prototype research to create healing types of architecture and interior environments while enacting global citizenry in university students.
This ongoing research demonstrates how interior designers are significantly contributing to a holistic, inclusive approach to the built environment with deeper perspective of global events shaping contemporary society.
The holistic, inclusive approach to experiential field and studio-based research promotes the discovery of innovative, socially relevant designs with potential as scalable, micro-enterprise business solutions. Grounded in the principles of universal design, human factors explorations advance prototype research to create healing types of architecture and interior environments while enacting global citizenry in university students.
This ongoing research demonstrates how interior designers are significantly contributing to a holistic, inclusive approach to the built environment with deeper perspective of global events shaping contemporary society.
Research is supported through grants, scholarship awards and generous gifts from RIT alumni and corporate sponsors.